Wives Wednesday - Compassion, Empathy, and Love
Welcome to another bonus addition of wives Wednesday!
I am so excited to be here and talk to guy guys today.
Today I wanted to talk about how to create more compassion empathy and love for both you and your spouse.
When a love one struggles with pornography it often creates very big emotions for both partners.
IF you follow us on Instagram you might have seen the post I wrote that said
The more time we can spend creating compassion, empathy, and love for both ourselves and our partner the further along we get.
I wanted to go into a bit more detail here on the podcast. Sometimes I find it hard to write things because it is hard to convey tone and intent through writing.
The way to create more compassion for each other is realizing we are all just trying to feel better and that we each have behaviors we use to achieve that goal.
What are some of the behaviors you find yourself doing when you are avoiding doing housework, meal planning, being present with your kids, stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, angry, or defeated?
I can tell you some of the things I do in case you need some ideas…
Scroll Instagram, check our podcast numbers and reviews, go out for ice cream, over eat or just eat food that doesn’t make me feel good. Sometimes I yell at my kids or try to place blame outside of me why and am not feeling happy.
The way we create more empathy is seeking to understand our spouse and trying to imagine what it would be like if we were in their shoes.
The way we create more love is by dropping the judgement we have of our partner and ourself.
When I began to truly empathize with Zach and his struggle with pornography and drop the idea that the way he “sinned” was worse than mine, the easier it was to create a relationship where there was room for us both to grow.
If you are trying to get to this place and feel stuck message me and let’s chat!
I love helping women move forward in their relationship themself and their partner.